Scans of various kinds are increasingly used to provide early diagnosis of many types of medical conditions. One degenerative condition, namely Alzheimer’s disease, could soon be treated much more effectively thanks to just such a brain scan. As you can see in the picture below, a new PET scan which detects clusters of proteins known to cause Alzheimer’s has been developed. It’s hoped this could provide much earlier warning of the onset of this condition.

This scan and many other medical services are available through hospitalsconsultants, a website that matches patients with hospitals to deliver treatment without the waiting lists! The site features around 40 hospitals in the UK and France and allows you to pre-book a variety of common treatments.
If you’re wondering how affordable this service is, you can search online for your desired treatment and find out, for example, what the typical pet scan cost is at your nearest hospital. Some people may even find that they can have certain procedures paid for by the NHS, others will be covered by health insurance. The Hospitalsconsultants service is used by people aged 18 to 99 and was founded by well-known French healthcare quality expert Dr Jean-Pascal Del Bano.